Ep. 86 - How long since your last mass?

Have you repented for the sin of reading this filthy book yet?

Topics in this episode include the Spanish Inquisition, English v. Latin, the Leonine prayers, the similarity between Catholic Mass and Columbo, Dermot’s priest voice, praying for the conversion of godless Communists, the difficulty of leaving Dodger stadium, Joyce’s parody of the Leonine prayers, Mike Birbiglia’s parody of the Mass, the hypocrisy of Confession, Leopold Bloom’s pragmatic view of Catholic Mass, the power wielded by Catholic priests because of Confession, Martha, whispering galleries, Joseph as the butt of the joke, the Salvation Army, the Salvation Navy, the Fermanagh will case, the Doctors of the Church, Brother Buzz, the Archangel Michael, Oliver St. John Gogarty, syphillis, and Phillip Glass.

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Further Reading:

  1. Carens, J. F. (1976). A Note on Joyce’s Laughter and Gogarty’s Autobiography. James Joyce Quarterly, 13(4), 465–467. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25487293 

  2. Diniejko, A. The Origin and Early Development of the Salvation Army in Victorian England. The Victorian Web. https://victorianweb.org/religion/sa1.html 

  3. Gifford, D., & Seidman, R. J. (1988). Ulysses annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/vy6j4tk 

  4. Kosloski, P. (2018, Oct 28). What are the “Leonine Prayers” and why were they created? Aleteia

  5. https://aleteia.org/2018/10/28/what-are-the-leonine-prayers-and-why-were-they-created/ 

  6. Thornton, W. (1968). Allusions in Ulysses: An annotated list. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/ucwq3x


Ep. 87 - Chemists rarely move.


Ep. 85 - One Old Booser Worse than Another