Inspired by your beauty…effulgent.
Topics in this episode include lemon soap, Ned Lambert, Wilson Ruttledge, Hedges Eyre Chatterton, waiting for your rich uncle to die, Dan Dawson and “Our Lovely Land,” Aristotle’s Rhetoric, epideictic speeches, encomia for Helen, what Dan Dawson’s speech has in common with classical rhetorical treatises, making fun of subpar art, masturbatory art, Dan Dawson’s true identity, biscuitfully, misidentifying the Sacred Heart, weathercocks, getting to know J.J. O’Molloy, the real people behind J.J. O’Molloy, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
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Rhetoric and the Enthymeme in Aeolus
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Cesare Maccari, Cicero Denounces Catiline, 1889
Further Reading:
Beck, H. The short but remarkable life of John O’Mahony. James Joyce Online Notes. Retrieved from https://www.jjon.org/jioyce-s-people/o-mahony
Beck, H. Charles Dawson – lecturer on talking about everything. James Joyce Online Notes. Retrieved from https://www.jjon.org/jioyce-s-people/dawson
Ellmann, R. (1959). James Joyce. Oxford University Press.
Gifford, D., & Seidman, R. J. (1988). Ulysses annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/vy6j4tk
Gilbert, S. (1955). James Joyce’s Ulysses: a study. New York: Vintage Books. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.124373/page/n3/mode/2up
Hodgart, M.J.C. (1974). Aeolus. In C. Hart & D. Hayman (eds.), James Joyce’s Ulysses: Critical essays (115-130). Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/yy2gpfhs
Igoe, V. (2016). The real people of Joyce’s Ulysses: A biographical guide. University College Dublin Press.
Joyce, S. (1958). My brother’s keeper: James Joyce’s early years. New York: The Viking Press. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/yra2d3xd
Tompkins, P. (1968). James Joyce and the Enthymeme: The Seventh Episode of “Ulysses.” James Joyce Quarterly, 5(3), 199–205. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25486701
Wiedenfeld, L. (2013). The Other Ancient Quarrel: “Ulysses” and Classical Rhetoric. James Joyce Quarterly, 51(1), 63–79.http://www.jstor.org/stable/24598847