Ep. 114 - HOUSE OF KEY(E)S
We finally unlock the secrets of Ulysses!
The emblem of the Manx House of Keys
Topics in this episode include Joseph Nannetti Sr. and Jr., the debts of Joe Hynes, Bloom’s passivity, the real Alexander Keyes, his struggle to advertise in print in Dublin, advertising in late Victorian Ireland, an innuendo of Home Rule and the Manx Parliament, heraldic imagery in Bloom’s ad, how our Dubliner friends have been double crossed by economics, the paralyzing economics of colonialism, the Vatican, St. Peter and the keys of heaven, the Urim and Thummim, various spirit merchants, Vico’s cyclical view of history, the keyholders in Ulysses and their keyless counterparts, and a chance crossing of paths by James Joyce and Alexander Keyes.
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On the Blog:
The coat of arms of Vatican City
Joseph Nannetti, Sr.
Berger, A. P. (1965). James Joyce, Adman. James Joyce Quarterly, 3(1), 25–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25486537
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