Ep. 44- Galleys of the Lochlanns


Kelly and Dermot set sail for the time of Vikings and jerkined dwarfs! They discuss the differences of similarly-shaped seafaring vessels, Lochlanns, Fr. Dineen's Irish dictionary, the intersection of Viking and Celtic cultures in Ireland, torcs, tomahawk, the horrors of 14th c. Dublin, famine, plague and slaughters, the story of the time a pod of cetaceans washed ashore in medieval Dublin, the story of the time the Liffey froze over and people grilled on top of it, Stephen as a changeling, Stephen momentarily becoming displaced in time, and Stephen's attempt to construct an Irish identity.

Steve Carey of Bloomsday in Melbourne drops by to chat about how to put on a Bloomsday theatre production in the time of Covid.

Kelly and Dermot set sail for the time of Vikings and jerkiness dwarfs! They discuss the differences of similarly-shaped seafaring vessels, Lochlanns, Fr. Dineen's Irish dictionary, the intersection of Viking and Celtic cultures in Ireland, torcs, tomahawk, the horrors of 14th c.

Sweny's Patreon helps keep this marvelous Dublin landmark alive. Please subscribe!

On the Blog:

Decoding Dedalus: Galleys of the Lochlanns


Bloomsday in Melbourne:

Bloomsday in Melbourne - the official site for Bloomsday in Melbourne

Bloomsday 2020 - Facebook group where Bloomsday in Melbourne's performances will be broadcast


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Further Reading:

Carver, C. (1978). James Joyce and the Theory of Magic. James Joyce Quarterly,15(3), 201-214. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/25476132

Dwyer, F. (2013, May 7). Medieval Dublin; a tale of two cities. The Irish History Podcast. Retrieved from https://irishhistorypodcast.ie/medieval-dublin-a-tale-of-two-cities/#sdfootnote10anc

Dwyer, F. (2014, Dec 11). Cannibalism, famine & fun - 4 ferocious medieval winters. Irish History Podcast. Retrieved from https://irishhistorypodcast.ie/cannibalism-famine-fun-4-ferocious-medieval-winters/

Gifford, D., & Seidman, R. J. (1988). Ulysses annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Kelly, M. (2001). ‘Unheard-of mortality’.... The black death in Ireland. History Ireland. Vol 9 (4). Retrieved from https://www.historyireland.com/medieval-history-pre-1500/unheard-of-mortality-the-black-death-in-ireland/

McGreevy, R. (2018, Jul 26). Maps reveal scale of economic devastation in 14th century Ireland. The Irish Times. Retrieved from https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/maps-reveal-scale-of-economic-devastation-in-14th-century-ireland-1.3576962

Ó Séaghdha, D. (2017). Motherfoclóir: dispatches from a not so dead language. Head of Zeus: London. 

Rickard, J.S. (1999). Joyce’s book of memory: the mnemotechnic of Ulysses. Duke University Press: London. Retrieved from https://tinyurl.com/yxt9jfuj

Sugg, R. (2018). Fairies: a dangerous history. Reaktion Books: London. Retrieved from https://longreads.com/2018/06/08/fairy-scapegoats-a-history-of-the-persecution-of-changeling-children/

Tuchman, B. W. (1978). A distant mirror: the calamitous 14th century. Ballantine Books: New York. 


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