Ep. 25 - Proteus
The cubes in this emblem represent prima materia; 1617, Michael Maier
The time has come for Blooms & Barnacles to tackle Ulysses' third episode - "Proteus"! This is Ulysses' first "difficult" episode - jam-packed with multiple languages and obscure references. This week's podcast gives an overview of many of the themes found in "Proteus," including its connection to The Odyssey, the influence of esoteric doctrines on the text and Joyce's love of writing in multiple languages. With guest star, Emma the cat.
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Ulysses & The Odyssey: Proteus
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Further Reading & Listening:
Atura, A. & Dionne, L. Proteus - Modernism Lab. Retrieved from https://modernism.coursepress.yale.edu/proteus/
Burgess, A. (1968). ReJoyce. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Gifford, D., & Seidman, R. J. (1988). Ulysses annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gilbert, S. (1955). James Joyce’s Ulysses: a study. New York: Vintage Books.
Homer, translated by Palmer., G.H. (1912). The Odyssey. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications.