Ep. 4 - Introibo Ad Altare Dei
Kelly and Dermot talk about page #1 of Ulysses, taking a deep dive into the symbolism of the Catholic Mass in the opening scene. There's lots of talk about blasphemy, transubstantiation, saints and why Kelly was a terrible altar server back in the day. We finish off with wild speculation about why kids don't learn Latin and Greek these days.
Giotto di Bondone, The Arrest of Christ (Kiss of Judas), 14th c.
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Ulysses CCD - Mulligan Mocks Mass
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Further Reading:
Burgess, A. (1968). ReJoyce. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Gifford, D., & Seidman, R. J. (1988). Ulysses annotated: Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Turner, J., & Mamigonian, M. (2004). Solar Patriot: Oliver St. John Gogarty in "Ulysses". James Joyce Quarterly,41(4), 633-652. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/25478099