We are gathering recordings from our friends around the world - and that includes you!

Our idea is to get short recordings of Joyce-lovers reading their favorite passage from Ulysses and compile them into a Bloomsday celebration podcast, so you can listen to Ulysses readings and feel a part of the Joycean community no matter where you are this Bloomsday.

If you'd like to contribute a recording, here's what you do: 

  • Contact us at bloomsandbarnacles@gmail.com and tell us which passage you'd like to read. It's first come, first serve. Make sure to tell us the first three words and last three words of your passage.

    Once you've confirmed it with us, make your recording. Your recording must include:

  • - Who you are (name, any pertinent info about yourself)

  • -Where you're reading from

  • -A brief introduction to your passage (which episode, set the scene, etc.)

  • -30 seconds of silence - this helps us edit your recording

  • -Your reading of the passage

    A few recording tips:

  • Please use an external mic if possible (a headset mic used for Zoom or Skype, for example). The sound quality will be better than the internal mic on your phone or computer. If you don't have an external mic, no worries! Just use what you have.

  • Record in a quiet area - Dermot recommends a closet or a room with a lot of books!

  • We'd like to keep entries in the 5-7 minutes range. If it goes longer, no worries, but we may edit it down.